Password Boss Logo

Password security is the largest security threat facing your business

With 81% of security breaches involving weak or stolen passwords, your business is at risk from a security breach without a password management solution in place. Password Boss Business closes this security hole for you to keep your business secure.  Password Boss protects every password in your business with an easy to use app that creates unique passwords for every user and every site.

Password security is a growing concern for business owners:

  • 81% of security breaches come from weak or stolen passwords

  • 3 out of 4 companies do not have a password manager

  • 55% of security breach victims are small businesses

Centralized Admin Control

All of the features you need to take control of your password security.

Easy User Management

Quickly onboard users, configure access to shared passwords and enforce team security.

Actionable Insights

Security Score, Dark Web scans and full audit reporting show where your vulnerabilities are.

Custom Security Policies

Bring security best practices to your team with our  complete set of security policies.

With Password Boss you can:

  • Protect every password in your business with military-grade security.

  • See if your team is using hacked passwords.

  • Securely shares passwords with your team and partners.

  • Enforce strong password policies with actionable reports.

  • Implement best practices to protect your business with custom security policies.

Why choose Password Boss?

  • Complete password security

    Password Boss uses world-class security to protect your information from hackers and cyber criminals.

  • Easy password sharing

    Your team can securely share passwords with others and revoke access when needed.

  • Visibility so you can take action

    Password Boss shows you where your security risks are so you can take action.

  • Simple user interface

    Intuitive design, strong password generator and website autofill keep your users happy.

  • Rapid deployment

    Onboard users quickly from the management portal. Simple AD integration.

  • Dark web scanning

    Hacked passwords put your business at risk. Our Dark Web scans show you where those risks are.

Remove risks from poor password security

Without a password manager, each user in your business is put in the role of implementing security for your business. Nowhere else in your business do users have this level of responsibility.

PWB_App in Devices_ Emails

Access every password on every device

  • Password Boss gives your user’s secure access to their passwords from each of their devices.

  • When an item is changed on one device, the changes are synchronized to all of the user’s devices automatically.

  • End-to-end security and a zero knowledge architecture keeps your passwords secure.